14 reasons why we write

While writers are individuals with their unique likes and dislikes, this virtual patchwork quilt shows how all writers can come together to become something larger, warmer, more beautiful than themselves.

When we started Stuff Writers Like, one of the most frequent comments we got is, “All writers are different, so we obviously like different stuff.”

To which we replied, “I know! Isn’t it great?”

As writers, we have a lot in common. And while we are individuals with our unique preferences and pet peeves, we also tend to follow and share some of the sames kinds of things online—stuff about writing, for writers, by writers.

So when we saw Stenhouse Publishers created a virtual patchwork quit of reasons why we write, it resonated with us, because it creates the perfect visual.

Stuff Writers Like is a patchwork quilt: a place where all writers, with unique likes and dislikes, come together to become something larger, warmer, more beautiful than themselves.

Why do you write? Tell us in the comments, or tweet us @stuffwriterslik (Yeah, yeah, we know. Damn Twitter character limits!)


November 11, 2014
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