For this installment of “20 Questions and a Selfie,” we catch up with technical writer Rachel Marie Kennedy.
When Rachel Marie is not working from home in Denver, CO, you are likely to spot her breaking it down at a kickass rock ‘n’ roll show; running, hiking or skiing the Rocky Mountains; or standing tall for one of her favorite sports teams, the Atlanta Braves or the Auburn Tigers.
You can follow Rachel Marie on Twitter @rmkennedy and connect with her on LinkedIn at @rachelmariek.
Our 20 questions with Rachel Marie start now:
1) What is your full name, including middle name?
Rachel Marie Kennedy
2) What is your professional job title?
Senior Information Developer
3) Describe your organization.
I work for a network management software company that builds software for IT managers.
4) Describe your surroundings right now.
Sparse. I am in an empty office this week working from our office in Atlanta, GA. I am usually working from home in Denver, CO.
5) What was your first paid writing gig?
Same! I’ve worked for the same company since I graduated from grad school.
6) What was the last thing you wrote?
An updated script manual.
7) What is the next thing you plan to write?
A well-crafted e-mail to my boss that outlines this week’s tasks (aka – my weekly status report).
8) Finish this sentence: The ideal way to start my day is …
A long run followed by a hot cup of coffee.
9) Besides your computer, what is sitting on your desk right now?
A spiral notebook, my favorite pen, a bottle of water, and my phone.
10) So-called writer’s block is no match for you! What is your antidote?
Write about something else. Get the juices flowing, then switch topics and keep them flowing.
11) Finish this sentence: I hate it when I read …
Incorrect grammar.
12) What are the most important tools, programs and systems you use for your work?
Author-it content management software, SnagIt, Smartsheet, and Firefox.
13) First book that comes to mind? Go!
The Chicago Manuel of Style
14) What are your favorite smartphone apps and why?
Accuweather – accurate weather forecast; Liftopia – accurate ski reports; CBS sports – SCORES!
15) What have you always wanted to write?
A memoir.
16) What is your advice for aspiring professional writers?
Write. Write well. Write often.
17) First famous writer who comes to mind? Go!
Robert Frost
18) Finish this sentence: My favorite thing about being a writer is …
My role allows me to provide useful information to people. That’s pretty powerful stuff.
19) Pencil versus pen—who wins and why?
Pen. I love the way it feels and the way it looks. Specifically, I love how the Pilot Precise V7 looks and feels. It wins over all others.
20) Finish this sentence: One word or phrase people will never read in my writing is …
“Due to the fact that…” Thanks, Strunk & White.
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