20 questions and a selfie: A day in the life of 22-year-old serial entrepreneur Jeet Banerjee

For this installment of “20 Questions and a Selfie,” we catch up with Jeet Banerjee, best-selling author, TEDx speaker and young-and-proud-of-it, serial entrepreneur.

At age 22, Jeet has co-founded and consulted with numerous startups. A digital native, he created his first website at 9. After trading his childhood entrepreneurial spirit for teenage apathy, a kick in the pants from his parents and some experience in the real-life working world reignited his passion for business. But he learned quickly that working for someone else is not for him—there are ventures of his own he wants to pursue.

You can connect with Jeet on Twitter @thejeetbanerjee and on his website, jeetbanerjee.com.

Our 20 questions with Jeet start now:

1) What is your full name (middle name optional)?

Jeet Banerjee

2) What is your professional job title?

Serial Entrepreneur

3) Describe your organization.

I have numerous startups, I’m a TEDx Speaker, best-selling author, and a digital marketing consultant.

4) Describe your surroundings right now.

Multiple computers, laptops, tablets. White boards for creative brainstorming, televisions. Office area with a bunch of empty drink bottles.

5) What was your first paid writing gig?

Transcribing recordings for someone when I was 16 years old.

6) What was the last thing you wrote?

A blog post on my personal website about 7 signs that you’re on the right track to become a millionaire.

7) What is the next thing you plan to write?

A story about the struggles of entrepreneurship to be included in a short story section of a business book.

8) Finish this sentence: The ideal way to start my day is …

by cleaning out my email box and planning out the most important tasks of the day.

9) Besides your computer, what is sitting on your desk right now?

Papers, laptop, tablet, cell phone, water, notebook and wallet.

10) So-called writer’s block is no match for you! What is your antidote?

Exercise or step outside and do something that is completely unrelated to what I’m writing so I can clear my mind.

11) Finish this sentence: I hate it when I read …

self promotion continuously.

12) What are the most important tools, programs and systems you use for your work?

Trello and Basecamp for communication with my team. iPhone Reminders and Calendar apps to keep my sanity with meetings.

13) First book that comes to mind? Go!

The Millionaire Fastlane by M.J. DeMarco

14) What are your favorite smartphone apps and why?

iBooks, Trulia, Uber and Skype.

15) What have you always wanted to write?

A series of books around topics that can help business owners take their companies to the next level.

16) What is your advice for aspiring professional writers?

Persistence is key to success when writing. You get better as you write more so never stop.

17) First famous writer who comes to mind? Go!

Mark Twain

18) Finish this sentence: My favorite thing about being a writer is …

having the freedom to say whatever you have on your mind.

19) Pencil versus pen—who wins and why?

Pen because pencil just gives you a reason to go back and re-think what you wrote.

20) Finish this sentence: One word or phrase people will never read in my writing is …

An Unauthentic Voice.

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