For this installment of “20 Questions and a Selfie,” we catch up with Decater Orlando Collins, Beijing-based author and filmmaker.
As an attention-defict-embracing creative type, Decater is, in his own words, “as indie as you can be in this day and age. Whether it’s a novel, a short film, or a music video, I’m doing it on my own.
“And although technology is making it easier for creatives to strike out alone, without the backing of one of the traditional gatekeepers, it still isn’t easy. That’s why it’s imperative that indie creators everywhere need to work together to not only promote each others projects, but to create work that is worthy of attention.”
You can connect with Decater on Twitter @doctorentropy2 and on his website,
Our 20 questions with Decater start now:
1) What is your full name?
Decater Orlando Collins
2) What is your professional job title?
3) Describe your organization.
Entropy Squared is my personal production company.
4) Describe your surroundings right now.
I’m in bed. My beagle is sleeping at my feet. My house is a mess! You really don’t want to know about that.
5) What was your first paid writing gig?
I wrote a review of a Joe Jackson concert for a local newspaper.
6) What was the last thing you wrote?
The answer to question number 5 (I’m guessing I’m not the first person to answer this way)
7) What is the next thing you plan to write?
A series of short stories for my collection of modern fairy tales. (Oh shoot, I should have said the answer to question number 8.)
8) Finish this sentence: The ideal way to start my day is …
With a bowl of muesli and soy milk.
9) Besides your computer, what is sitting on your desk right now?
Three robots, a dinosaur, speakers, and a lot of paper.
10) So-called writer’s block is no match for you! What is your antidote?
Write everyday.
11) Finish this sentence: I hate it when I read …
12) What are the most important tools, programs and systems you use for your work?
None of my tools are important. They could all be replaced. All that matters are my ideas.
13) First book that comes to mind? Go!
14) What are your favorite smartphone apps and why?
WeChat, because it’s how I communicate with most of my friends.
15) What have you always wanted to write?
My five-part fantasy epic that doubles as an exploration of the meaning of life.
16) What is your advice for aspiring professional writers?
Write every day like it’s your job. Eventually someone will pay you for it.
17) First famous writer who comes to mind? Go!
18) Finish this sentence: My favorite thing about being a writer is …
telling stories.
19) Pencil versus pen—who wins and why?
Pen. It’s cleaner.
20) Finish this sentence: One word or phrase people will never read in my writing is …
Ha, this is a trick. If I wrote it here, then someone would read it.
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