For this installment of “20 Questions and a Selfie,” we catch up with fantasy writer and author by proxy Sahara Foley.
The author of six self-published books in the fantasy, sci-fi and horror genres, Sahara’s path to publishing is a bit unconventional.
“I met the love of my life here (in Omaha, NE) and we were together for 30 years before he passed on [Christmas Day 2012],” Sahara says. “The stories that I’m publishing are his brainchildren. He loved writing, but never had any luck getting his stories published back in the late 1980s and early 1990s. So now, with the advent of self-publishing and him glaring over my shoulder, I’m finally able to bring his children to life for the world of readers.”
You can connect with Sahara on Twitter @SaharaFoley and on the blog,
Our 20 questions with Sahara start now:
1) What is your full name?
Sahara Foley
2) What is your professional job title?
Agent Sales Support
3) Describe your organization.
We sell health insurance for the senior sector.
4) Describe your surroundings right now.
In my apartment looking out my patio window at a turtledove who’s decided to spend the winter on my deck. It’s roosting on my deck chair.
5) What was your first paid writing gig?
Never had a paid writing gig.
6) What was the last thing you wrote?
Just published The Secret of Excalibur.
7) What is the next thing you plan to write?
My current WIP is We Journey No More.
8) Finish this sentence: The ideal way to start my day is …
jumping on the computer & starting my social network marketing.
9) Besides your computer, what is sitting on your desk right now?
Big bottle of water, stapler remover, eyeglass case & other pair of glasses. Numerous pieces of paper. Just sloppy.
10) So-called writer’s block is no match for you! What is your antidote?
Read a book or watch TV with Netflix or Amazon
11) Finish this sentence: I hate it when I read …
self published books with so many errors. They make such a bad name for indie authors. And some of the books are coming from small presses.
12) What are the most important tools, programs and systems you use for your work? Editor, FB, Twitter & Google+. But mostly other authors. The more we help each other, the better we all become.
13) First book that comes to mind? Go!
14) What are your favorite smartphone apps and why?
Don’t use any.
15) What have you always wanted to write?
Horror, sci-fi and fantasy, which I’m doing now.
16) What is your advice for aspiring professional writers?
Connect with other authors, book clubs and other groups that help support authors.
17) First famous writer who comes to mind? Go!
18) Finish this sentence: My favorite thing about being a writer is …
watching my characters come to life.
19) Pencil versus pen—who wins and why?
Pencil. Erasable. :)
20) Finish this sentence: One word or phrase people will never read in my writing is …
Can’t think of any right now.
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