The definitive guide to identifying young-adult romance books

Within the blazing-hot, pimple-faced, fire-in-the-loins niche market that is young-adult romance, there is some debate on what exactly qualifies.

With the success of so many YA or young-adult book, film and television series of late—Hunger Games, Twilight, et al.—the demand for young-adult romance writing is as hot as ever.

But not all young-adult writing is romance, and not all romance is for young adults.

Within the blazing-hot, pimple-faced, fire-in-the-loins niche market that is young-adult romance, there is some debate on what exactly qualifies.

Thanks to Swoon Reads Editor Holly West, we now have a wonderful map and definitive guide for figuring out whether your book is young-adult romance.


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