4 Reasons to Use a Pen Name
Have you considered using a pseudonym? There are a lot of different reasons a pen name might be a good idea. Sometimes it has to do with your life, and sometimes it’s best for the work itself. If you fit any of these descriptions, it’s probably a good idea.
1. Your writing is controversial and could affect your family relationships or day job.
When most people think of this situation, they think of erotica authors—which is a legitimate concern. Most of us wouldn’t want our grandmothers reading erotica we’d written. But there are plenty of other reasons you might want to keep your author side separate. Perhaps you’re writing about extreme political views. Or maybe you are a grade school teacher who writes about serial killers and don’t want your students’ parents to be uncomfortable. Whatever the reason, sometimes it’s best for your life as a whole to keep certain aspects separate.
2. Your real name is “taken.” ...