Creative writing

All about the magic, the romance, the stuff that is creative writing.



5 Tips for Holding Yourself Accountable

We all know writing can be a solitary pursuit. One of the most difficult things about working by yourself is holding yourself accountable. Here are five tips to keep yourself on track.

1. Find a Writing Buddy

In a solitary profession, it’s easy to think Who’s going to know if I watch Netflix instead of finishing this chapter? Make sure somebody does know—somebody who cares about your productivity and wants to see you succeed. ...

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5 Types of Novelists

Novelists come in all types. Their drafting styles are as diverse as their work—and their penmanship. If you’re gathering a crowd of these writerly folks (good luck with that, lots of introverts in the crowd), here are five types you’re likely to see.

1. The Perpetual Nano-er

This type of novelist is forever typing at break-finger speeds. Fifty thousand words in a month? Forget that. This novelist thinks she can break a hundred thousand. ...

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Learning from Screenwriters

When it comes to structuring our stories, sometimes we fall into a rut. We break out the same pattern each time we begin plotting, and we begin to lose perspective.

Learning and borrowing from other disciplines is an amazing way to expand our creativity and keep our writing fresh. What happens when novelists borrow screenwriters' techniques? Shaelin Bishop discusses this unique application in her YouTube video: 15 Beat Plot Structure. ...

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Tips for Drafting

James Thurber said, “Don’t get it right. Get it written.” Click to Tweet That piece of drafting knowledge has been …

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Surviving Your Own Torture

Have you ever had to inflict pain and suffering onto a character who you like . . . a lot?

Have you ever tipped a bucket full of "life hell" over your character and whilst you were doing it felt like you were betraying an old friend?

This week I have struggled with making one of my characters suffer. As you know I am close to finishing the second draft of my romance novel, and everything was fine until I had to write the twist at the end. I wanted to shake things up a bit for my reader and not let them think the romance was going to run smoothly. Plus, and more importantly, this particular character needed to understand the consequences of his past actions.

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How to Write a Terrible Love Scene

I hope everyone had a great Valentine’s Day, whether you had a date with your characters or with a real-life human being! Always the cynic, I thought I would take the opportunity to eradicate all shreds of romance. You can take these suggestions seriously if you’re on a mission to make your reader cringe, or you can laugh them off and write a google-eyed romance. It’s up to you—I claim no responsibility. Whatever you choose, here are 6 ways to write a terrible love scene. ...

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