Bullet Journaling [Infographic]
Writers are busy people. We’re often trying to fit three days’ worth of work into twenty-four hours, and staying organized is imperative. But we’re creative, too. And sometimes we need other outlets to express ourselves. Bullet journaling helps us do both, and all you need is a blank journal and a pen.
This infographic is part of a wonderfully in-depth article by Kim Alvarez: “Thorough Guide to the Bullet Journal System.” In her article, Kim gives us all the information we need to begin bullet journaling. After that, it’s up to us to personalize our journal and take it to the next level!
Easy Editing Fixes
The main purpose of line editing is to carve away the unnecessary words, leaving only the beautifully polished prose. There’s no black-and-white system for deciding which words need to go and which need to stay, but there are “red flags” you can recognize as needing a second look. If you see these during the editing process, check them out, and make sure they really need to be there. ...
Read MoreHearing the Poet’s Heart
When it was Joyce’s turn to read, Kathy stood and held her friend’s right elbow, like a daughter, like a lover, stabilizing each cautious step. The Healing Muse editor Deirdre Neilen moved to Joyce’s left side, one hand on Joyce’s rounded back and the other on her left elbow. Their tenderness supported me, too.
I watched as Joyce stepped to the stage with the determination of an athlete. She carefully opened her pages on the podium and smoothed the folds. Each page was three sheets wide with black block letters two inches high marching boldly across a white expanse.
If my hearing showed up on paper, the letters would look like that. ...
How to Set Writing Goals
It’s a new year, and you know what that means: resolutions.
Resolutions can be difficult to keep. Why? They are typically vague, representative of some far-off dream. To get in shape. To be nicer to people. To write a book.
Those sound like great things to accomplish, but they’re undefined. They revolve around the end result, rather than the process. To create goals you will actually accomplish, the focus must be on action.
So how do you set writing goals that will get you from where you are to where you want to be? ...
Playing by the Rules
It’s tempting to believe that novelists who have already published books know “the secret.” But every novel, whether it’s your first or fifteenth, poses different challenges. Even the most experienced writers get stuck in dark alleys and thorny woods as they lose their way.
I’m about to publish my sixth novel, Folly Cove, this fall, and my means of feeling my way out of those slimy or prickly places is pretty simple: I read other people’s books and keep learning. This past week, I’ve read four novels that have taught me there really is only one rule in fiction: If it works, do it! ...
Gifts for Writers
The holidays are right around the corner. You—being the procrastinator you are—are probably wondering what to get that special writer in your life. You can’t wrap the perfect story idea so you find yourself at a loss.
Don’t worry. I’m here to help.
These gifts will make your writer smile and will keep your name out of his or her next story. Because let’s be honest—that never ends well. ...