The Stuff

All of our stuff—plus the stuff we have to say about others’ stuff.



Literary Salons

Recently, I experienced the great delight and terror of being invited to read at my first literary salon, as part of Aberdeen’s Inspiration Point weekend.

But what is a literary salon?

I imagined worthy men of the enlightenment gathering in coffeehouses or smoky backrooms, their faces earnest, talking politics and economics; or refined French ladies lounging on elaborate chaise longue dissecting the literature of the day.

That couldn’t be right? I wouldn’t be expected to lounge on a longue, would I? ...

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A Writer’s Last Meal

What would your last meal be? That is always an interesting question and one that folks become unexpectedly heated while …

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Take Writing Breaks [Infographic]

To be the most productive and hit your word count target, make use of your off time as well as your work time! Taking breaks is an important and often underemphasized way to increase productivity. But there is a method to the madness.

This infographic from Quid Corner breaks down options for splitting your time and provides ideas for activities to recharge during your breaks, while keeping your mind sharp and focused. ...

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5 Tips for Holding Yourself Accountable

We all know writing can be a solitary pursuit. One of the most difficult things about working by yourself is holding yourself accountable. Here are five tips to keep yourself on track.

1. Find a Writing Buddy

In a solitary profession, it’s easy to think Who’s going to know if I watch Netflix instead of finishing this chapter? Make sure somebody does know—somebody who cares about your productivity and wants to see you succeed. ...

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Write for a Living

It’s only natural to want to make a living with your writing. But it’s also incredibly difficult! After all, you’ll be competing with thousands of other authors. And with readers trained to expect books for free, you might think it’s an uphill struggle. But writers like JF Penn prove that it is possible. I went to her workshop with Orna Ross on Saturday to discover ways to make a living with your writing. Here are my 9 takeaways! ...

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5 Types of Novelists

Novelists come in all types. Their drafting styles are as diverse as their work—and their penmanship. If you’re gathering a crowd of these writerly folks (good luck with that, lots of introverts in the crowd), here are five types you’re likely to see.

1. The Perpetual Nano-er

This type of novelist is forever typing at break-finger speeds. Fifty thousand words in a month? Forget that. This novelist thinks she can break a hundred thousand. ...

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