
Changing stuff to make others’ stuff better stuff.



15 Principles of Writing Marketing Copy that Boosts Conversions

A few years ago, a multimillion-dollar financial forecasting firm asked me to create a company-wide style guide for all of …

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Examining Description

Beginning writers often write description without stopping to think, when they should take their time and let the exposition flow. Instead of simply writing, “Tim walked toward the door, then stopped. He freaked out at what he saw. He trembled. Then he ran.” One could write ...

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Gifts of the Boneyard

In my own work, there is nothing I have struggled with more than the repeated need for revision. I have put aside a nascent novel for months at a time because I felt overwhelmed by what was required to get it into shape. Part of the difficulty is that we must be both the creator and the physician of our writing, which are quite different skills and require quite different states of mind. The expressive exuberance of creating is what gets me to my desk. But the humble, open, unknowing that I must bring to the work of revision is where I find my strength. In the boneyard. Let me explain …

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3 tricks of the trade to maintain consistency among multiple authors

Maintaining consistency among multiple authors doesn't happen magically. It is something you must strive for daily. These three tricks of the trade can help.

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The single most overused, annoying word in the (teenage) English language

Like, stop it already! Like is one of the 1,000 most frequently used words (Oxford). A word that can be …

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