The Stuff

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20 questions and a selfie: A day in the life of Marianne Bohr, French teacher, author, 30-year publishing pro

For this installment of “20 Questions and a Selfie,” we catch up with Marianne C. Bohr, middle school French teacher …

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Books, books, glorious books … in praise of Indie Book Stores

There we were, the 6'5" nephew and myself, leaving Waterstone's, Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, UK, last year without buying a book. What a triumph of willpower over two lots of biblio-addiction! And then—a title caught my eye: "Weird Things Customers Say in Bookshops."

Hang on a minute", I said to the nephew, "just a quick look. I won't buy it, honest."

However, after a fast flick revealed the following gems offered by its author, Jen Campbell: 'Can books conduct electricity?' 'Did Beatrix Potter ever write a book about dinosaurs?' 'Excuse me… is this book edible?' I gave in. ...

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20 questions and a selfie: A day in the life of JoAnn Smith Ainsworth, author of WWII spy/supernatural thrillers

For this installment of “20 Questions and a Selfie,” we catch up with JoAnn Smith Ainsworth, author of World War …

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Reading Statistics that Will Make You Think (infographic)

We all know reading is important, right? After all, you are reading this—unless you have delegated it to an app on your phone ... ahem, you know who you are! So with the voice of an old journalism school professor skipping through my skull–"If your mama tells you she loves you, check it out."—I set out to quantify just how important reading really is.

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Yogi Berra’s wordplay wisdom for writers: “It ain’t over till it’s over” and more

Yogi Berra was a professional baseball player, not a professional writer. He would have told you as much. Yet his …

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Now You Can Hide that Little Blue SumoMe Button on Your Website—for Free

Rejoice, SumoMe users; you asked for it, and it’s finally here! That dingleberry dangling from the edge of every page …

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